
Monday, April 8, 2013

Mia Mikhail Collection : Telekung Berwarna yang sgt awesome!!

Assalamualaikum lovelies.. tonight takde ape yg nak I bebel tentang my products..just tonight I want to share about "telekung" .. Well.. as a Muslim..we need telekung for solah..whether you sew it on your own or like me..just buy it online or at shop.. For the past 2 months..I have been stalking...(ok sounds very bad isn't it..hahaha) Mia Mikhail Collection in Facebook.. well Mia Mikhail Collection was built by 3 sisters and mainly promotes their popular custom design telekung.. They also sell shawls and clothing.. I believe they have their own website but it is still under construction..

Shawls diaorng memang...alamak.. menangis klu tak beli... serious.. tak caya? tak caya?...percayalaaaaaaaa... (tetibe je...ahahha)..eh eh tetibe tulih bahasa melayu...hahaha

 ...ade juge clothing line yg... stylo.. suke sangat..tp maybe baru nak mula..tak bykla..but I hope mereka expand..sbb definitely I nak beli... 

mmg I suke sgt..mmg kene dgn my taste..ehheheh =p

Ok let us move on to the core of this post..TELEKUNG...hehehe..previously.. pada I telekung tu I must have the white one.. well it is a basic colour for telekung...then you have some pattern bunga2 skit..corak2.. lace..so zaman I takde kaler2.. paling byk kaler adalah telekung org2 yg beli di Indonesia..wahh sgt meriah gitu... merah bunganya..hijua daunnya..hehehe

So most of my veil .from childhood until I dh tua ni.. mesti cotton based and white..only white.. .. It is not that important I think..to have such a.....over the top punye telekung with corak satu badan bagai..heee.. But I don't mind others to wear those..but it is just not me.. I prefer simple and clean telekung.. 

I knew about Mia Mikhail from my distributor's FB..I saw her list of likes on the timeline and one of it is Mia Mikhail Collection.. I was like.. Mia Mikhail? adik Mia tu pny page ke..hehehe.. so I pn like the page..and found it to be interesting...hehehe because of these.....

hehehe..terus jatuh cinta pandang pertama.. well I bought the Snow White Emboss and Mauve Premium.. mule2 nak ambil Horlicks Premium... tetibe terasa Mauve itu amatla elegant hahaha.. 
Material daripada Lycra yang sgt berkualiti..

5 things I Love about Mia Mikhail's Veil
1- Simple but elegant (frankly I kurang gemar yang sulam2 bagai..)
2 - Lycra yang sgt berkualiti tinggi ... mmg tak fluffy (tk berbulu kalau bergesel)
3. Jahitan yang sgt kemas..tali ikat kat kepala tu pun kemas gile..
4. Ukuran untuk muka and kepala yg sepadan dan sesuai..pastu nmpk terletak je...
5. Colours yg very high class gitu...(telekung yg harga beratus... mmg sesuai dgn warnanya yg npk mewah)

Well..org kata.. telekung pn nak beli yang beratus bagai.. Islam tak ajar membazir...
pada I kalau you blh beli jean Levi's harga 300-400..naju MNG. Topshop..ZARA bagai..Knp perlu berkira dgn telekung yg paling basic RM150..nk menghadap ALLAH biarlah elok..kemas..cantik..molek...ape salahnya jika kita mampu.. tak mampu..yang biasa2 pn boleh,.. yang penting rukun solat kita buat sehabis baik.. =)

Telekung ni I pakai di rumah sahaja.. I tak bawak berjalan2..melainkan I travel dan bermalam.. 
So..until we meet again... Assalamualaikum..

Mia Mikhail Collection in Mauve Premium..

Feel Free to Check in :


  1. thanks a lot.u really helps me in making my choice for my mom's raya gift.

  2. sis..telekung warna tone hitam ade x?
