Assalamualaikum Lovelies.. how’s your day..? Harap semuanya
baik-baik dan bahagia semuanya.. Well as I promised before.. i nk post about
AURAWHITE Beauty product knowledge..mcm I buat ttg Tabita Skincare and Felinna
products.. Surprisingly, ramai yang tunggu this post... Wah terharu..tears~ ..
Tak sangka niat I dipandang baik oleh all of you... Ok dear yang pertama.. I
nak refresh balik about HACCP, then the ingredients inside 1 jar of AURAWHITE
Beauty.. the benefits..and so on.. and I really hope you enjoy this post.. I
will try to make it as simple as ABC for all of you to understand... =)
I believe many of us come across this term at the tin of
food and beverages.. Well..depends on company whether they undergone this HACCP
certification or not.. It is all about awareness and willingness.. HACCP atau
nama panjangnye Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. HACCP is a
technique that increasingly used in the FOOD industry throughout the world.. is globally known certification.. =) So HACCP ni ade badan yang tolong
bangunkan and majukan.. So badan yang bertanggungjawab utk majukan HACCP
ni WHO (World Health Organization). So
WHO demand satu organisasi yg boleh establish system keselamatan makanan yang
efektif.. so this system adalah aplikasi kepada pendekatan hazard and risk
Dipermudahkn lagi..HACCP adalah preventive approach to food
safety and pharmaceutical safety.. So this addresses to physical, chemical and
biological hazards..This standard is use to identify potential food safety
hazard..oleh yang demikian critical control point (bahagian yang paling
penting) akan diambil kira utk mencegah dan menghapuskan ape jua factor yg
boleh membawa bahaya kepada makanan tersebut.
HACCP ni mrk audit dari awal pemprosesan hingga la ke
finished product.. =) So badan yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan..mengaudit
HACCP ni adalah Ministry of Health atau KKM..
AURAWHITE Beauty ni tiada sijil
KKM kerana ia diklasifikasikan sebagai minuman.. pernah minum coffee In-Co Mix
tak..3 in 1 tu..mcm tu la Aurawhite.. cume ia minuman yg beri kebaikan dan
benefit pada tubuh badan.. mcm you minum Prune Juice kan.. walaupn takde KKM
but still it is a good juice for imunisasi dan
AURAWHITE pn mcm tu..cume ia takla dijual di kedai2..You all kene dapatkan dari
online.. =)
Okla..byk sgt citer pasal HACCP ni..hahahah.. I rase most of
lovelies mesti dah tu sbb dah mcm2 iklan kuar ttg AURAWHITE dan bahan2nye kan..
so I don’t care..I nak bgtau jugak..hahaha..Aurawhite mengandungi...
Haaa.. 5 in 1 scoop of kan?
Ok now..we start with the first ingredients...
In previous post..I ade explain about collagen.. so this is
post focus more on to the benefits of tilapis fis collagen..well collagen ni
diesktrak dari sisik ikan tilapia..According to Prof. Dr. Jamilah from UKM,
collagen for pharmaceutical materials is simple and usually requires 3 to 4
proceses as compared to food product.. haaa..jgn terkejut..collagen utk food
product lebih detail dam renyah ye...jgn ingat nama farmasi semuanye macam
al-ala critical..not really ya...
Why Tilapia? Kenapa tak ikan gelama ke..ikan terubuk? ikan siakap? ikan keli? errr..keli ni sisik laa sis..hahaha Ok ..tilapia ni kaya dgn lebih 13 jenis amino acid... ok..listingnye pnjang.. tak perlu dipanjangkan lagi post ni..hehehe amino acids ni sgt penting untuk pembentukan tisu dan cells baru.. menggalakkan pembaikan cell dlm badan =) FYI.. kolagen juga boleh didapati selain daripada hidupan marine.. seperti lembu..kambing biri2 dan oink oink..ngeee khinzir.. haaa..tapi AURAWHITE pilih ikan kerana tidak mahu ade masalah status HALAL nanti.. mseti orang tnya..bagaimana sembelihan dilakukan.. ? ni kolagen ade unsur-unsur hewan haram ke.. so..AURAWHITE tak mahu byk soal mcm tu..lgpun tak kira Islam tak Islam.. pn boleh lagi senang ..HALAL kn..ini kan produk MALAYSIA.. =)
Tambahan pula collagen dari lembu, dan biri2 easily contagious with disease..and susah untuk dinormaliskn dan diserap oleh badan manusia.. Suhu badan ikan lebih rendah dari manusia oleh yang demikian that makes the absorption of such supplement much better ...
Ok now in English I talk...hahhaha apakah...
Why choosing fish
scale collagen? Kenapa bukan tulang lembu..ayam ..itik..kambing.. dan hewan lain... haaaa..
7 reasons to choose FISH SCALES COLLAGEN :
1. High in Content:
Fish scale contains microelement, growth hormone, with half is collagen
2. Easy to Absorb:
Fish scale collagen is low molecular weight. High-purity extraction can
achieved through advanced extracting technique.
3. Safety: Animal such
as pig, cow and sheep all have higher body temperature then
human. Collagen
extracted from animal poses potential risk when exposed to contagious
between animal and human and that raises concerns when use. However, fish
is not part of internal organ, which makes it more natural and safe to use.
4. Environmental
Friendly: Fish scales used to be treated as rubbish or fertilizer. Through
extracting technique from bio-technology, it is beneficial to human.
Go GREEN!!! (tetibe je kan...hahaha)
5. Health Benefit:
Fish scale collagen makes you healthier.
Animal collagen is typically extracted from bovine or porcine
skin and bone, but since the
mad cow disease burst out, peoples raised more
concerns over the risk of contamination
and focused on finding the new food
ingredient to substitute for it.
7. Fish collagen is extracted from the scales of tilapia
which is for the most part identical to
the human collagen, the notable
characteristics are free from the fatty, don’t need
concern over the deposit of
environmental hormone and dioxin, more safe.
collagen peptide consist of small molecules that it can be easily digested and
absorbed in our body....
Antara kebaikan collagen adalah memperbaiki kulit terutama sekali yang diberi perhatian adalah kulit wajah kita...taaddaaa...
- Anti-penuaan - mengurangkan kedutan, mengecilkan liang roma
- Mengembalikan keanjalan kulit
- Melembapkan kulit dan mengurangkan kekeringan kulit
- Mencerah, mengurangkan pigmentasi dan jeragat
- Menegangkan payudara dan menganjalkan punggung
- Menyuburkan rambut dan kuku
- Meningkatkan pergerakan sendi dan tulang
- Mencegah kereputan tulang akibat kekurangan kalsium
- Membaikpulih dan memelihara gusi
- Menghidratkan dan melegakan ketidakselesaan mata
- Mengimbangi hormon
- Meningkat kadar penukaran makanan kepada tenaga (metabolisma karbohidrat, lemak dan protein)
Ok..? Puas hati.. boleh baca lagi... ? hahaha
Ok.. ini sangat berbelit untuk disebut..hahaha on previous post for FELINNA PMCVC I ade explain on L-Glutathione..but it is ok..I will explain again..since I am very rajin tonight...hahaha
Ok dalam L-Gluthatione ade 3 asid amino utama iaitu cysteine, glycine dan glutamic acid.
Ok.. ini sangat berbelit untuk disebut..hahaha on previous post for FELINNA PMCVC I ade explain on L-Glutathione..but it is ok..I will explain again..since I am very rajin tonight...hahaha
Ok dalam L-Gluthatione ade 3 asid amino utama iaitu cysteine, glycine dan glutamic acid.
Major content in L-Glutathione are 3 amino acids - cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid.
Some of the glutathione benefits include preventing heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, helps to keep your energy levels up, and aids in recovery and immunity. To get the full benefits of glutathione, it’s best to get at least 100mg per day.
This substance has the ability to protect cells from oxidative stress..haaaa so nampakla you all awet muda yunk.. hehehe. Glutathione regenerate ascorbate..haaa ape tu.. well ascorbate ni penting utk mobiliti..ikatan cells..dan anti-oxidation.. anybody familiar with Vitamin E? ok..vitamin E adalah membran utaman yang bersangkut paut dgn antioxidant of the cells.. and vitamin E ni regenerated by Gluthatione ni indirectly telah menolong anti-oxidation activity in cell membranes...taddaaaa...faham tak? heheheh in short ..
Glutathione regenerates ascorbate, ascorbate regenerate vitamin E -----> anti-oxidation activity..maka hasilnyaaaaaa... kulit yg muda.. youthful skin.... =) So..gluthatione ni bukan sahaja untuk kecantikan..ade byk lagi kelebihan glutathione yg ramai tak tahu..antaranya..
- Very useful utk mrk yg sllu sakit kepala
- Mereka yg susah focus pd kerja..
- mereka yg mengalami muscle and joint pain
- Overtired on daily routine...
-Suffer from mood swings
- Mudah dijangkiti infection, demam, selsema..
- Mencegah alzheimer..
dan byk lagi kebaikan Glutathione kepada kita selain utk kecantikan.. =)
Hyaluronic acids (HA) ?? haaa.. I rase you all pernah dengar..very popular among the Japanese and Korean.. hahaha..well HA also known as hyaluranon or hyaluronate.. is a carbohydrate atau nama berbelitnye mucopolysaccharide..(tu dia....) which occure naturally dlm badan kita.. It can be several thousands of sugars (carohydrates) long.. Bile ikatan ni tak bound dgn molecule lain ia akn mbntuk Jello form.. mcm jelly2 gitu..hehehe.. Byk benefit HA ni it is themost heavily researched substances in medicine today dgn beribu trials dlm bidang orthopedic and eye surgery...
HA functions are to bind water and to lubricate the movable parts of the body such as joint and muscle..dgn keadaan yg stabil dan consistent dan lembut pada kulit ia sgt bermanfaat pada kulit dan bertindak sbg moisturizer yg wow!!! excellent!!!.. sbb HA ni hydrophillic ( cinta air) molecules.. so ia sgt berguna pada kesihatan kita keseluruhanan..
Actually rambut kita dan folikel rambut adalah derivative dari skin tissue.. ade 2 layer..epidermis yg meningkatkan protective shiled of the body dan dermal layer which makes up the bulk of the skin and is where the hair follicle is located.This dermal layer is composed of connective tissue and the connective tissue, with its gelatinous fluid like characteristics provides support, nourishes and hydrates the deep layers of the scalp. The result is healthy lustrous hair and a moisturized scalp. Again, all of this is made possible because of the presence of HA in the akan mengurangkan kegugguran rambut... =)
Bibir kita juga adalah core of skeletal muscle yg cover dgn skin tissue.. so HA components dlm skin tissue ni dan juga collagen memberi bentuk kepada bibir dan juga wonder org suntik collagen kat bibir...wuuuu..hahah..nk bibir plump sng je..tak payah sakit2..minum je AURAWHITE..hehehe
Although Hyaluronic Acid (HA) can be found naturally in most every cell in the body, it is found in the greatest concentrations in the skin tissue. Almost 50% of the bodies HA is found here. It is found in both the deep underlying dermal areas as well as the visible epidermal top layers. Young skin is smooth and elastic and contains large amounts of HA that helps keep the skin stay young and healthy. The HA provides continuous moisture to the skin by binding up to 1000 times its weight in water. With age, the ability of the skin to produce HA decreases.
HA dan collagen adalah sgt penting untuk maintain skin layers dan struktur kulit... collage bagi skin firmness tapi HA menyuburkan.. nourishes dan menghidratkn collagen tersebut.. Bayangkan..ok.... bayangkan....
collagen ni mcm rubber..kite stretch rubber band tu million times.. mcm kite buat dgn kulit kita..tanpa lembapan.. ..eventually ia kan over stretch (saggy) and kering dan berkemungkinan akan putus.. mcm ni jgk la kolagen dlm kulit kita.. ok..skrg kita bayangkn the same rubber band kite stretch million times dlm air..chances it to be dried out and breaking are minimial..
Consider the Hyaluronic Acid as the water that keeps the collagen moist and elastic. Collagen is continuously surrounded and nourished by the gelatinous HA substance. Young skin is smooth and highly elastic because it contains high concentrations of Hyaluronic Acid, which helps skin stay healthy. As we grow older, the body loses its ability to maintain this same concentration in the skin. With decreasing levels of HA in the skin, so goes the ability of the skin to hold water. The result, the skin becomes drier and loses its ability to maintain it's hydration. Hyaluronic acid acts as a space filler by binding to water and thus keeping the skin wrinkle-free.
TRIPLE STEM CELLS PHYTOCELLTEC (apple, tomato, roselle)
Semua tumbuh-tumbuhan ade stemcells.. tapi tidak seperti manusia.. every plant cell ade potensi utk differentiate cell and to grow into an entirely new, full plant... PhytoCellTec adalah biotechnology yang baru daripada researchers from Mibelle Biochemistry that have used successfully to generate and cultivate plant stem cells.
So stem cells in human?? and plant stem cells?? hum... blh bersatu ke....
renewal and repair adalah on-going process dalam badan manusia.. so adults stem cells supply necessary cells utk replacement ini..
Plant stem cells protect skin stem cells. How does this work?
Every stem cell contains specific epigenetic factors whose task is to preserve the stem cells' multi-potency and its ability to self-renew. Mibelle Biochemistry researchers have discovered that plant stem cells contain epigenetic factors similar to those of adult human stem cells. Applied in the right way, they have a positive impact on the vitality of skin stem cells and their proper functioning.
Ape lebihnye stem cells ni... ? mcm rocket science sgt la... bagi mudah skit... hahahah..mestilah nk tahu benefit these are among the benefits...
Protect longevity of skin stem cell
Delay biological aging of essential cells
Preserve the youthful look and vitality of the skin
Promote skin’s ability to regenerate
Delay biological aging of essential cells
Preserve the youthful look and vitality of the skin
Promote skin’s ability to regenerate
1. Vitamin C is key to the production of collagen. Vitamin C a.k.a ascorbic acid is a protein that aids in the growth of cells and blood vessels that give skin its firmness and strength.
2. Vitamin C helps your skin repair itself. Your skin has incredible elasticity and Vitamin C can help create scar tissue and ligaments for a quick recovery.
3. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that slows the rate of free-radical damage. For those who don't know, free radicals are not fun. They are unstable molecules that damage your skin causing dryness, fine lines and wrinkles!
4. Vitamin C can reverse DNA damage. New research shows that ascorbic acid 2-phosphate, a derivative of Vitamin C, not only only neutralizes free radicals but reverses the damage.
5. Vitamin C may also reduce sunburn. Research suggests that Vitamin C may reduce sunburn caused by exposure to ultraviolet B radiation and prevent the consequences of long-term sun exposure, which can lead to skin cancer. This doesn't mean Vitamin C is a replacement for your trusty sunblock!
Lovelies...AURAWHITE pada I product yang bagus dan I ambil AURAWHITE pada waktu pagi dan FELINNA PMCVC pada waktu malam.. Alhamdulillah..I serasi sgt.. bboleh dapatkan product ni daripada I.. =)
Ok lovelies.. boleh ke TOP SKINCARE PRODUCTS : SALES! SALES! SALES! TABITA SKINCARE, AURAWHITE BEAUTY, FELINNA!!! untuk pilihan combo dan sales yang hebat!!!
WhatsApp / SMS : 012-6242855
Dear, if remaja berumur 18tahun agak2 selamat x klu ambil ni?
ReplyDeleteselamat I galakkan Felinna PMCVC utk your age =)